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TcxCustomVerticalGrid.OnItemChanged Event

Allows you to determine the previously focused row and cell after the focus has moved.


property OnItemChanged: TcxVerticalGridItemChangedEvent read; write;


The OnItemChanged event is fired whenever the focus moves to another grid row or to a cell within the same row. You can use the event, for instance, to change the style settings of the row or row cell from where the focus has moved.

The Sender parameter represents the grid control that generated the event.

The AOldRow parameter represents the row from where the focus moved. To determine the currently focused row, you should use FocusedRow. Note: if no row was previously focused, the AOldRow parameter returns nil, so you should always check the parameter’s value against nil before using the object returned.

The AOldCellIndex parameter specifies the index of the cell previously focused. Note: if no row was previously focused, the AOldCellIndex parameter returns -1.

See Also