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TcxUnboundTreeListNode Methods

Represents the TcxTreeList control’s node.
Name Description
AddChild Creates a node and appends it to the end of the current node’s child collection. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
AddChildFirst Creates a node and inserts it at the first position in the current node’s child collection. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
AlphaSort(Boolean) Sorts the node’s child nodes. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignValues(Variant[]) Assigns the node’s column values. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
CanCollapse Indicates whether the node can be collapsed. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
CanExpand Indicates whether the node can be expanded. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
CanMove(TcxTreeListNode,TcxTreeListNodeAttachMode) Indicates whether the node can be moved to the location specified within the TreeList. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
CheckClick Clicks a control (a check box or radio button) that indicates the node’s checked state. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
Collapse(Boolean) Collapses the node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
CustomSort(TcxTreeListCompareFunc,Boolean) Custom sorts the node’s children. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
Delete Removes the node and all its children from the TreeList control. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
DeleteChildren Removes the node’s children. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
DisplayRect(Boolean) Returns the node’s bounding rectangle. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
EndEdit(Boolean) Switches the node from edit to browse mode. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Expand(Boolean) Expands the node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
getFirstChild Returns the node’s first child. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetFirstChildVisible Returns a node’s first child that is available in the View. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetLastChild Returns the node’s last child. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetLastChildVisible Returns a node’s last child that is available in the View. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetNext Returns the node next to the current one within the tree structure. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetNextChild(TcxTreeListNode) Returns the next child node after the node specified. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
getNextSibling Returns the next node at the current nesting level. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetNextSiblingVisible Returns the next node available in the View at the current nesting level. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetNextVisible Returns the next visible node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetPrev Returns the node previous to the current one. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetPrevChild(TcxTreeListNode) Returns the previous child of the node specified. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
getPrevSibling Returns the previous node at the current nesting level. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetPrevSiblingVisible Returns the previous node available in the View at the current nesting level. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
GetPrevVisible Returns the previous visible node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
HasAsParent(TcxTreeListNode) Checks whether the specified node is the parent of this node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
IndexOf(TcxTreeListNode) Returns the specified node’s index among this node’s children. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
InsertChild(TcxTreeListNode) Inserts a child node into the node’s child collection. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
Invalidate Informs the control that the node needs to be repainted. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
IsMultiThreadedSorting Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
IsSibling(TcxTreeListNode) Checks whether the specified node is a sibling of the current node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
LoadChildren Loads the node’s children, if any exist. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
MakeVisible Ensures that the node is displayed. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
MoveTo(TcxTreeListNode,TcxTreeListNodeAttachMode) Moves the node to the location specified within the TreeList control. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
Repaint(Boolean) Redraws the node. Inherited from TcxTreeListNode.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also