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TcxTreeListOptionsBehavior Properties

Stores a TreeList control’s behavior and end-user functionality settings.
Name Description
AlwaysShowEditor Determines whether the focused cell’s editor is always active. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
AutoDragCopy Specifies whether nodes are copied during drag-and-drop operations.
BestFitMaxRecordCount Specifies the number of nodes whose contents will be taken into account in calculating the column‘s best-fit width.
CellHints Specifies whether a hint is displayed for a cell when the text does not fit into the cell’s area. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
ChangeDelay Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) before the TreeList control’s OnChange event is raised.
ConfirmDelete Specifies whether the confirmation dialog is displayed when an end-user deletes a node by pressing the Ctrl+Del key combination.
CopyCaptionsToClipboard Specifies whether to include column captions in the text being copied to the clipboard.
DragCollapse Specifies whether an expanded node located under the mouse pointer is automatically collapsed during drag-and-drop operations.
DragDropText Specifies whether an image of the currently dragged object is being layered over the control. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
DragExpand Specifies whether a collapsed node located under the mouse pointer is automatically expanded during drag-and-drop operations.
DragFocusing Specifies whether a node located under the mouse pointer is automatically focused during drag-and-drop operations.
EditAutoHeight Specifies the active height adjustment mode for multiline in-place editors.
EditingControl protected Inherited from TcxControlOptions.
ExpandOnDblClick Specifies whether double-clicking a node changes its expansion state.
ExpandOnIncSearch Specifies whether collapsed nodes are automatically expanded during an incremental search.
FocusCellOnCycle Determines the manner in which edit cells are focused. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
FocusFirstCellOnNewRecord Determines the manner in which focus is positioned in a newly created record. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
FooterHints Specifies whether hints are displayed for footer cells and group footer cells with truncated content.
GoToNextCellOnEnter Determines whether control items can be navigated by using the Enter key. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
GoToNextCellOnTab Determines whether the Tab key is used to navigate through the current editing control cells. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
HeaderHints Specifies whether hints are displayed for band headers and column headers with truncated captions.
HintHidePause Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
HotTrack Specifies whether nodes are hot-tracked when the mouse pointer is located over them.
ImmediateEditor Determines whether the appropriate editor is activated immediately after an edit cell is clicked. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
IncSearch Specifies whether a user can perform incremental search within an editing control. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
IncSearchItem Specifies the column against which incremental searching is performed.
MultiSort Specifies whether nodes can be sorted by multiple columns.
NavigatorHints Specifies if hints should be displayed for buttons displayed in an editing control’s navigator. Inherited from TcxControlOptionsBehavior.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
RecordScrollMode Specifies the active content scroll mode.
ShowHourGlass Specifies if a control displays the hourglass cursor during time-consuming operations.
Sorting Specifies whether end-users can sort nodes by clicking column headers.
WaitForExpandNodeTime Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) before a node automatically expands or collapses under the mouse pointer during a drag-and-drop operation.
See Also