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TcxTreeListBands Members

Represents a band collection.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomTreeList) Creates a new TcxTreeListBands object instance.
Create(TCollectionItemClass) Inherited from TCollection.


Name Description
BottomItemCount Returns the number of bottom bands in the current band collection.
BottomItems Provides indexed access to all the bottom bands in the current band collection.
Capacity Inherited from TCollection.
Count Inherited from TCollection.
ExpandableBand Provides access to the band that displays expand buttons (contains an expandable column).
FirstVisible Returns the first visible band within the current band collection.
ItemClass Inherited from TCollection.
Items Returns indexed access to individual bands within the collection.
LastVisible Returns the last visible band within the current band collection.
LineCount Returns the number of rows that the band header panel occupies.
RootItemCount Returns the number of root bands in the current band collection.
RootItems Provides indexed access to all the root bands in the current band collection.
TreeList Provides access to the TreeList control to which the current band collection belongs.
UpdateCount Inherited from TCollection.
VisibleItemCount Returns the number of visible bands in the current band collection.
VisibleItems Provides indexed access to all visible bands in the current band collection.
VisibleLeftFixedCount Returns the number of visible bands that are fixed to the left edge of the TreeList control.
VisibleRightFixedCount Returns the number of visible bands that are fixed to the right edge of the TreeList control.
VisibleRootItemCount Returns the number of visible root bands in the current band collection.
VisibleRootItems Provides indexed access to visible root bands in the current band collection.
VisibleRootLeftFixedCount Returns the number of visible root bands that are fixed to the left edge of the TreeList control.
VisibleRootRightFixedCount Returns the number of visible root bands that are fixed to the right edge of the TreeList control.


Name Description
Add Appends a new band to the collection.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Inherited from TCollection.
Clear Inherited from TCollection.
ClearAndResetID Inherited from TCollection.
Delete(Integer) Inherited from TCollection.
EndUpdate Inherited from TCollection.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindItemID(Integer) Inherited from TCollection.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
Insert(Integer) Inherited from TCollection.
Owner Inherited from TCollection.
RestoreDefaults Restores the default settings for all bands within the collection.
RestoreWidths Restores the default widths of all bands within the collection.
Sort(IComparer<TCollectionItem>) Inherited from TCollection.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
VisibleIndexOf(TcxTreeListBand) Returns the position of a specified band within the VisibleItems collection.
See Also