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TcxCustomTreeList.Select(TcxTreeListNode,TShiftState) Method

Selects the specified nodes.


procedure Select(Node: TcxTreeListNode; ShiftState: TShiftState = []); overload; virtual;


Name Type Description
Node TcxTreeListNode

The selected tree node.

ShiftState TShiftState

Indicates the state of the modifier keys, the mouse buttons, or the touch devices. Refer to the table below for detailed information.


Call this procedure to emulate user input. The following table lists the supported shift state flags that you can pass as the optional ShiftState parameter:

ShiftState Flag Description
ssShift A Select procedure call selects a set of adjacent nodes from the currently selected node to the specified node (Node).
ssCtrl A Select procedure call adds a single node to the current selection.


A Select procedure call has no effect if one of the following conditions is met:

See Also