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TcxCustomTreeList.OnGetCellHint Event

Enables you to customize a View element’s hint.


property OnGetCellHint: TcxTreeListGetCellHintEvent read; write;


Sender specifies the tree list.

ACell returns ViewInfo information about a tree list element whose hint is about to be shown. The following table summarizes available view elements and classes that correspond to them. Make certain to cast the ACell parameter to the appropriate class to use its members.

View Element Associated Class
Data Cell TcxTreeListEditCellViewInfo
Footer or Group Footer TcxTreeListFooterCellViewInfo
Band Header or Column Header TcxTreeListHeaderCellViewInfo

AText specifies the hint text.

ANeedShow specifies whether the hint will be displayed. By default, ANeedShow is set to False, indicating the element’s content is not clipped, and as a result, the hint should not be shown. Set ANeedShow to True to display the hint.


The OnGetCellHint event fires before a hint is shown for a tree list element located under the mouse pointer. To enable hints within the tree list, use the CellHints, FooterHints and HeaderHints options within the OptionsBehavior option set.

See Also