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TcxSchedulerReminders.OnOpenEvent Event

Fires when the Open Item button (located in the Reminders window) has been clicked.


property OnOpenEvent: TcxSchedulerReminderOpenEvent read; write;


Implement the OnOpenEvent event handler to display the Open Item button in the Reminders window and provide custom behavior when this button has been clicked by an end-user.

The Sender parameter specifies the TcxSchedulerReminders collection, which contains timed out reminders, if any;

The AEvent parameter specifies the in-memory user event instance, which an end-user selects from the alert list (if it exists) in the Reminders window.

The Open Item button only appears if the OnOpenEvent event handler is assigned:

This is the sample code for the OnOpenEvent event handler which initializes the Event dialog after the Open Item button has been clicked:

// ...
procedure TForm1.StorageRemindersOpenEvent(Sender: TcxSchedulerReminders; AEvent: TcxSchedulerControlEvent);
See Also