TcxGridTableViewStyles.OnGetFooterStyleEx Event
Occurs when it is necessary to paint View footer and group footer panels.
property OnGetFooterStyleEx: TcxGridGetFooterStyleExEvent read; write;
The OnGetFooterStyleEx event occurs every time the group or View footer is redrawn and is fired after the OnGetFooterStyle event. The OnGetFooterStyleEx event is the extended version of the OnGetFooterStyle event and should be handled whenever you need to perform additional style customizations for the grouped items in the View.
By default, the AStyle parameter at the point the event is fired represents the style which was returned by the procedure that handles the OnGetFooterStyle event (if any). To specify the style for a footer region you can create a TcxStyle object instance, adjust its properties as necessary and return it via the AStyle parameter.
The Sender, ARow and AColumn parameters identify the View, row and column, respectively for which the footer region is drawn. When handling the OnGetFooterStyleEx event, you can distinguish between the View footer and group footers by comparing the ARow parameter value with nil. For View footers, it will always return nil. For group footers, the ARow parameter will specify the last data record/row within the corresponding group.
The AFooterGroupLevel parameter corresponds to the data group, for which the footer region is drawn (it’s equal to the group column’s GroupIndex property’s value). For View footers, the AFooterGroupLevel value is -1.
To define the default styles for footer regions use the View’s Styles.Footer,
The column’s Styles.