TcxGridTableViewStyles.OnGetGroupSummaryStyle Event
Occurs every time a group summary displayed in a group row is about to be drawn.
property OnGetGroupSummaryStyle: TcxGridGetGroupSummaryStyleEvent read; write;
The Sender parameter specifies the Table View that contains the currently processed group summary.
The ARow parameter specifies the row that the group summary resides in.
The AColumn parameter specifies the column that the group summary is linked to. For a group row’s text that isn’t associated with a group summary (for instance, enclosing brackets ‘( )’), the AColumn value is nil.
The ASummaryItem parameter represents the summary. For a group row’s text that isn’t associated with a group summary (for instance, enclosing brackets ‘( )’), the ASummaryItem value is nil.
The AStyle parameter specifies style attributes to be applied to the group summary.
To customize the style applied to group summaries displayed in group footer panels, handle the OnGetFooterSummaryStyle event.