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TcxDataControllerConditionalFormatting Methods

A conditional formatting controller that applies rules to individual fields in its data controller.
Name Description
Add(TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRuleClass,Untyped) Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
Add(string,TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRuleClass,Untyped) Creates a new rule and adds it to the conditional formatting controller.
Add(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRuleClass,Untyped) Creates a new rule and adds it to the conditional formatting controller. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
Assign(TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting) Replaces the currently stored conditional formatting rules with rules obtained from another conditional formatting controller. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
BeginEditing Initiates editing a set of conditional formatting rules applied to a worksheet or Grid View. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
BeginUpdate Disables repainting of the worksheet or Grid View until the EndUpdate procedure is called. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
CanShowRulesManagerDialog Identifies if the “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager” dialog is available.
Clear Destroys all conditional formatting rules applied to a worksheet or Grid View. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
EndEditing(Boolean) Finishes editing a set of conditional formatting rules applied to a worksheet or Grid View. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
EndUpdate Enables repainting the worksheet or Grid View after calling the BeginUpdate procedure. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FlushCache Invalidates the calculated results of conditional expressions in all stored rules. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
GetFieldDisplayName(TcxCustomDataField) Returns the display name of a specific field in the source data controller.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
IsFieldVisible(TcxCustomDataField) Identifies if the specified field in the source data controller is visible in a data presentation control.
ReferencesToString(TdxSpreadSheetAreaList) Converts the specified cell area to a delimited string of references to contiguous fields in the source data controller.
Remove(TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRule) Destroys the specified conditional formatting rule. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormatting.
ShowRulesManagerDialog Displays the “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager” dialog.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also