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TcxPivotGridViewData Properties

Contains layout information on the data cells.
Name Description
Cells Represents a value object, which stores the calculated summary values for the specified cell and the settings used to calculate them.
CellsAsText Gets the display text of a particular data cell.
ColumnCount Gets a count of columns in the pivot grid.
ColumnIndex Specifies the zero-based index of the leftmost visible column in the data area.
Columns Provides indexed access to columns.
ColumnsPerPage Gets the number of columns, which are currently visible in the client area.
FocusedCell Specifies the position of the focused data cell in the column-row matrix coordinates.
OptionsView Represents view options for the pivot grid.
PivotGrid Gets the pivot grid instance, which owns the current information on the view.
RowCount Gets a count of rows in the pivot grid.
RowIndex Specifies the zero-based index of the uppermost visible row in the data area.
Rows Provides indexed access to rows.
RowsPerPage Gets the number of rows, which are currently visible in the client area.
Selection Provides access to selected and focused data cells.
See Also