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TcxCustomPivotGrid.OnGetCellHint Event

Enables you to customize hints or suppress them.


property OnGetCellHint: TcxPivotGridGetCellHintEvent read; write;


The Sender parameter specifies the pivot grid.

The APoint parameter specifies the mouse pointer’s coordinates relative to the pivot grid’s top-left corner.

The ACell parameter references a ViewInfo object that identifies the visual element whose hint is about to be displayed. The following table summarizes available elements and classes that correspond to them. Make certain to cast ACell to the appropriate class to access element-specific members.

View Element Associated Class
Data Cell TcxPivotGridDataCellViewInfo
Field Header TcxPivotGridFieldHeaderCellViewInfo
Field Value TcxPivotGridHeaderCellViewInfo

ABounds and ATextBounds parameters specify the bounding rectangles of the hint window and its text, relative to the pivot grid’s top-left corner. The parameters initially store the bounding rectangles of the element and its text. You can modify the parameter values to reposition and resize the window/text.

The AHint parameter specifies the hint text. You can customize it or assign an empty string to suppress the hint.

See Also