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TcxCustomPivotGrid Events

The base class for Pivot Grid controls.
Name Description
OnAlignInsertBefore Inherited from TWinControl.
OnAlignPosition Inherited from TWinControl.
OnCanResize Inherited from TControl.
OnClick Inherited from TControl.
OnCompare protected Fires when the sorting operation on column field values or row field values is performed.
OnConstrainedResize Inherited from TControl.
OnContextPopup Inherited from TControl.
OnCustomDrawCell protected Enables you to custom paint a data cell.
OnCustomDrawColumnHeader protected Enables you to custom paint a column grouping value.
OnCustomDrawFieldHeader protected Enables you to custom paint a field header.
OnCustomDrawPart protected Enables you to custom paint the background of pivot grid client and header areas.
OnCustomDrawRowHeader protected Enables you to custom paint a row grouping value.
OnCustomization protected Occurs when the visibility of the pivot grid’s customization form changes.
OnDblClick Inherited from TControl.
OnDockDrop Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDockOver Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDragDrop Inherited from TControl.
OnDragOver Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDock Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnEnter Inherited from TWinControl.
OnExit Inherited from TWinControl.
OnFieldPosChanged protected Fires after the field has been repositioned.
OnFieldSizeChanged protected Fires after a field header has been resized.
OnFilterChanged protected Fires after a prefilter or a field’s filter has been changed.
OnFocusChanged protected Inherited from TcxControl.
OnGesture Inherited from TControl.
OnGetCellHint protected Enables you to customize hints or suppress them.
OnGetSiteInfo Inherited from TWinControl.
OnGetStoredProperties Enables you to customize a list of the pivot grid’s properties to be stored to external data stores.
OnGetStoredPropertyValue Enables you to provide values for pivot grid properties to be saved to external data stores.
OnInitStoredObject Enables you to initialize fields that are created when restoring the pivot grid’s layout from external data stores.
OnKeyDown Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyPress Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyUp Inherited from TWinControl.
OnLayoutChanged protected Occurs after a field or data cell layout change.
OnMouseActivate Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseEnter protected Occurs when the mouse pointer enters into the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
OnMouseLeave protected Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
OnMouseMove Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseUp Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheel Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelUp Inherited from TControl.
OnPrefilterDialogShow protected
OnPrepareLockedStateImage protected Enables you to custom paint a “Locked View“ image.
OnResize Inherited from TControl.
OnSelectionChanged protected Fires after the data cell(s) has been selected.
OnSetStoredPropertyValue Enables you to restore property values from external data stores.
OnStartDock Inherited from TControl.
OnStartDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnUnDock Inherited from TWinControl.
See Also