PivotFieldGroupingInfo.GroupBy Property
Gets the grouping type.
Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet
Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core
Property Value
Type | Description |
PivotFieldGroupByType | A PivotFieldGroupByType enumeration member. |
Available values:
Name | Description |
None | Indicates that field items are not grouped. |
NumericRanges | Groups items in a numeric field into intervals. The interval length is defined by the interval parameter of the PivotField.GroupItems method and returned by PivotFieldGroupingInfo.Interval property. |
Seconds | Groups items in the date or time field by seconds, regardless of the date to which the current date/time value belongs. |
Minutes | Groups items in the date or time field by minutes, regardless of the date to which the current date/time value belongs. |
Hours | Groups items in the date or time field by hours, regardless of the date to which the current date/time value belongs. |
Days | Groups items in the date or time field by days. The number of days included in each group is defined by the interval parameter of the PivotField.GroupItems method and returned by the PivotFieldGroupingInfo.Interval property. |
Months | Groups items in the date or time field by months. |
Quarters | Groups items in the date or time field by quarters. |
Years | Groups items in the date or time field by years. |
If the date grouping is performed on several time intervals, the GroupBy returns the type related to the smallest time interval. That is, when a field is grouped by quarters and months, the PivotFieldGroupByType.Months value is returned.