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ChartSheetCollection.Insert Method

Name Parameters Description
Insert(Int32, ChartType, CellRange) index, chartType, range Creates a new chart sheet with the specified chart and appends it to the collection at the specified position.
Insert(Int32, ChartType) index, chartType Creates a new chart sheet of the specified type and appends it to the collection at the specified position.
Insert(Int32, String, ChartType, CellRange) index, name, chartType, range Creates a new chart sheet under the specified name with the specified chart and appends it to the collection at the specified position.
Insert(Int32, String, ChartType) index, name, chartType Creates a new chart sheet of the specified type and under the specified name and appends it to the collection at the specified position.
Insert(Int32, String) index, name Creates a new chart sheet under the specified name and appends it to the collection at the specified position.
Insert(Int32) index Creates a new chart sheet and appends it to the collection at the specified position.