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CheckBoxColumn Fields

A grid column that displays Boolean values and allows a user to change a cell value by switching between two states.
Name Description
AllowAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the AllowAutoFilter bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowExportProperty static Identifies the AllowExport bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowIndeterminateInputProperty static Identifies the AllowIndeterminateInput bindable property.
AllowSortProperty static Identifies the AllowSort bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AutoFilterConditionProperty static Identifies the AutoFilterCondition bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AutoFilterValueProperty static Identifies the AutoFilterValue bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
BackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the BackgroundColor bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
BestFitItemsCountProperty static Identifies the BestFitItemsCount bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
BestFitModeProperty static Identifies the BestFitMode bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
BindingContextProperty static Bindable property for BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject.
CaptionProperty static Identifies the Caption bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ColumnProperty static Identifies the Column bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ColumnSpanProperty static Identifies the ColumnSpan bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the DisplayFormat bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
EditFormCaptionProperty static Identifies the EditFormCaption bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
EnableImmediatePostingProperty static Identifies the EnableImmediatePosting bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the ExportCellAppearance bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportColumnHeaderAppearanceProperty static Identifies the ExportColumnHeaderAppearance bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportMaxWidthProperty static Identifies the ExportMaxWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportMinWidthProperty static Identifies the ExportMinWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportTotalSummaryAppearanceProperty static Identifies the ExportTotalSummaryAppearance bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ExportWidthProperty static Identifies the ExportWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FieldNameProperty static Identifies the FieldName bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FilterModeProperty static Identifies the FilterMode bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FixedStyleProperty static Identifies the FixedStyle bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
GroupCaptionDisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the GroupCaptionDisplayFormat bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
GroupCaptionTemplateProperty static Identifies the GroupCaptionTemplate bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
GroupIntervalProperty static Identifies the GroupInterval bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderBackgroundColor bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderBorderColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderBorderColor bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderBottomBorderColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderBottomBorderColor bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderCaptionLineBreakModeProperty static Identifies the HeaderCaptionLineBreakMode bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderContentTemplateProperty static Identifies the HeaderContentTemplate bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontAttributes bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontColor bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontFamily bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderFontSizeProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontSize bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderPaddingProperty static Identifies the HeaderPadding bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderTextDecorationsProperty static Identifies the HeaderTextDecorations bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HorizontalContentAlignment bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HorizontalHeaderAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HorizontalHeaderAlignment bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsGroupedProperty static Identifies the IsGrouped bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the IsReadOnly bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsVisible bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
MaxWidthProperty static Identifies the MaxWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
MinWidthProperty static Identifies the MinWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
RowProperty static Identifies the Row bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
RowSpanProperty static Identifies the RowSpan bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ShowFilterIconProperty static Identifies the ShowFilterIcon bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortIndexProperty static Identifies the SortIndex bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortModeProperty static Identifies the SortMode bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortOrderProperty static Identifies the SortOrder bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
TotalSummaryTemplateProperty static Identifies the TotalSummaryTemplate bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UnboundExpressionProperty static Identifies the UnboundExpression bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UnboundTypeProperty static Identifies the UnboundType bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
VerticalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the VerticalContentAlignment bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
WidthProperty static Identifies the Width bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
See Also