AppointmentStorageBase Methods
A base class that represents a storage to hold a collection of appointments.Name | Description |
Add(Appointment) | Appends the specified Appointment object to the collection which can be accessed via the storage’s AppointmentStorageBase.Items property. |
AddRange(Appointment[]) | Appends an array of appointments to the storage’s collection. |
AppendBaseMappings(MappingCollection) | Clears previous mappings and appends base mappings. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
AppendCustomMappings() | Appends PersistentObjectStorage<T>.CustomFieldMappings to the collection of actual mappings. For internal use. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
AppendDefaultMappings(MappingCollection) | Adds mappings for persistent object properties with field names equal to property names. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
AppendMappings(MappingCollection) | Adds mappings defined in the storage to the specified mapping collection. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
BeginInit() | Starts the appointment storage initialization. |
BeginUpdate() | Obsolete. Locks the object until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
CancelUpdate() | Obsolete. Unlocks the PersistentObjectStorage<T> object after it has been locked by the BeginUpdate method, without causing an immediate visual update. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
Clear() | Removes all the items from the persistent object storage. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
CommitExistingObject(Appointment) | Commits changes to an existing object. Updates the object data record in the underlying data source. |
CommitNewObject(T) | Commits a new object. Creates a new object data record and stores it in the underlying data source. For internal use. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
Contains(Appointment) | Determines whether the appointment storage contains the specified appointment. |
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, DateTime, String) | Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start time, end time and a subject. |
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, DateTime) | Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start and end time. |
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, TimeSpan, String) | Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start time, duration and a subject. |
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, TimeSpan) | Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start time and duration. |
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType) | Creates an appointment of the specified type. |
CreateCustomFields(T) | Creates the custom fields specific to this persistent object and adds them to the object’s custom fields collection. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
Dispose() | Disposes of the PersistentObjectStorage<T> object. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
EndInit() | Ends the appointment storage initialization. |
EndUpdate() | Obsolete. Unlocks the PersistentObjectStorage<T> object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetAppointmentById(Object) | Gets the appointment by its identifier. |
GetAppointmentsExpandingPatterns(TimeInterval, Boolean) | Gets all appointments including occurrences and exceptions which are located in the specified time interval. |
GetAppointmentsExpandingPatterns(TimeInterval) | Gets all appointments including occurrences and exceptions which are located in the specified time interval. |
GetColumnNames() | Gets the names of data columns associated with this PersistentObjectStorage<T> object. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetObjectRow(T) | Returns the data row object that contains information about the specified persistent object. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
GetObjectValue(T, String) | Returns the value of the specified field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
IsNewAppointment(Appointment) | Determines whether the appointment is new, so that it is not an occurrence, and the current AppointmentStorageBase does not contain it. |
LoadFromXml(Stream) | Loads settings of appointments from the specified stream to the appointment storage. |
LoadFromXml(String) | Loads settings of appointments from the specified XML file to the appointment storage. |
LoadObjects(Boolean) | Loads persistent objects from the data source to the storage. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
RaiseLoadException(Exception) | Calls the handler for the AppointmentStorageBase.LoadException event. |
RaiseReload(Boolean) | Raises the internal Reload event. This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Remove(Appointment) | Removes the specified Appointment object from the collection. |
RollbackExistingObject(T) | Restores an object to its previous state and cancels uncommitted changes that were made to the object. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
SaveToXml(Stream) | Saves appointments from the storage to the specified stream. |
SaveToXml(String) | Saves appointments from the storage to an XML file. |
SetAppointmentFactory(IAppointmentFactory) | Assigns the specified appointment factory to the AppointmentStorageBase. |
SetObjectValue(T, String, Object) | Assigns the specified value to a field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
ValidateDataSource() | Checks mappings for validity. Inherited from PersistentObjectStorage<T>. |
See Also