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Appointment Methods
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An interface that defines an appointment in the Scheduler.
Name Description
Assign(Appointment) Copies all settings from the object passed as the parameter to the current object.
Assign(IPersistentObject) Copies all properties of the object passed as the parameter to the current object. Inherited from IPersistentObject.
Copy() Creates a copy of the current Appointment object.
CreateException(AppointmentType, Int32) Creates an exceptional appointment within a chain of recurring appointments.
CreateNewReminder() Creates a new Reminder for this appointment.
Delete() Deletes the persistent object from the storage or collection. Inherited from IPersistentObject.
DeleteExceptions() Removes changed and deleted occurrences for the current pattern appointment.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
FindException(Int32) Returns an appointment that is an exception in the recurrence series at the specified index.
GetExceptions() Returns a collection of the changed and deleted occurrences for the current pattern appointment.
GetOccurrence(Int32) Gets an occurrence at the specified position within a series of recurring appointments.
GetRow(ISchedulerStorageBase) Provides access to the data record for the persistent object. Inherited from IPersistentObject.
GetSourceObject(ISchedulerStorageBase) Returns the data object that is bound to the current persistent object. Inherited from IPersistentObject.
GetValue(ISchedulerStorageBase, String) Obtains the value of the data field in the record bound to the current PersistentObject, supplied by the specified storage object. Inherited from IPersistentObject.
RestoreOccurrence() Replaces an exceptional appointment with the regular occurrence in the recurring series.
SetId(Object) Sets the identifier property of an object to the specified value. Inherited from IIdProvider.
SetValue(ISchedulerStorageBase, String, Object) Performs a transaction to change the value of the field in the data record bound to the persistent object. Inherited from IPersistentObject.
See Also