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IXlSheet Members

In This Article
Represents a worksheet in a workbook.


Name Description
AutoFilterColumns Provides access to the collection of column filters.
AutoFilterRange Gets or sets the cell range for which filtering is enabled.
ColumnPageBreaks Provides access to the collection of column page breaks in a worksheet.
ColumnRange Returns the cell range that contains all custom columns manually generated in the worksheet.
ConditionalFormattings Provides access to the collection of conditional formatting rules in a worksheet.
CurrentColumnIndex Gets the index of the column where the document exporter is currently positioned.
CurrentOutlineLevel Gets the outline level of the currently generated group.
CurrentRowIndex Gets the index of the row where the document exporter is currently positioned.
DataRange Gets the cell range that encompasses all cells containing data.
DataValidations Provides access to the collection of data validation rules specified in a worksheet.
HeaderFooter Provides access to options which determine the worksheet header and footer characteristics.
Hyperlinks Provides access to the collection of hyperlinks contained in a worksheet.
IgnoreErrors Gets or sets the type of a formula error to be skipped in the worksheet data range.
MergedCells Provides access to the collection of merged cells in a worksheet.
Name Gets or sets the name of the worksheet.
OutlineProperties Provides access to the group settings that control the summary row and column location.
PageMargins Gets or sets page margins used to align the worksheet content on a printed page.
PageSetup Gets or sets the page layout and printing options for a worksheet.
PrintArea Gets or sets the cell range to be printed.
PrintOptions Gets or sets specific options that control how a worksheet is printed.
PrintTitles Provides access to an object used to specify rows and columns to be repeated on every printed page.
RowPageBreaks Provides access to the collection of row page breaks in a worksheet.
Selection Provides access to an object that allows you specify the cell selection.
SparklineGroups Provides access to a collection of sparkline groups in a worksheet.
SplitPosition Freezes a specific number of rows and columns above and to the left of the specified cell.
Tables Provides access to the read-only collection of tables contained in the worksheet.
ViewOptions Provides access to an object that specifies display settings for a worksheet.
VisibleState Gets or sets whether the current worksheet is visible, hidden or “very hidden”.

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Name Description
BeginFiltering(XlCellRange) Starts filtering data in the specified cell range.
BeginGroup(Boolean) Starts creating a new group in the worksheet.
BeginGroup(Int32, Boolean) Starts creating a new group in the worksheet.
CreateColumn() Creates a new column in the worksheet and returns the IXlColumn object.
CreateColumn(Int32) Creates a new column in the worksheet with the specified index.
CreatePicture() Creates a picture to be inserted into the worksheet.
CreateRow() Creates a new row in the worksheet and returns the IXlRow object.
CreateRow(Int32) Creates a new row in the worksheet with the specified index.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
EndFiltering() Finishes filtering data in the cell range after calling the IXlSheet.BeginFiltering method.
EndGroup() Finalizes the group creation after calling the IXlSheet.BeginGroup method.
SkipColumns(Int32) Specifies the number of successive columns to be skipped in the worksheet before starting to generate a new column.
SkipRows(Int32) Specifies the number of successive rows to be skipped in the worksheet before starting to generate a new row.
See Also