Pie Chart Nested Component Structure
- 4 minutes to read
The DxPieChart component can include multiple sub-elements, such as a series, title, legend, or annotation. To display sub-elements on the chart plane, add the corresponding nested components to chart markup. You should declare nested components at appropriate nesting levels to render the chart component correctly.
This topic contains detailed information about available nesting levels and components permitted at each level.
#First-Level Components
The Pie Chart’s root level (<DxPieChart>...</DxPieChart>
) can contain the following components:
- One or more DxPieChartSeries
- DxChartLegend
- DxChartTitle
- One or more DxPieChartAnnotation
- DxChartTooltip
- DxChartAnimationSettings
The following code snippet adds first-level components to pie chart markup. For a sample data source, refer to our GitHub repository.
<DxPieChart Data="@SalesData">
<DxPieChartSeries T="SaleInfo"
ValueField="si => si.Amount"
ArgumentField="si => si.Region"
Name="Region Sales">
<DxChartTitle Text="Sales Amount" />
<DxChartLegend AllowToggleSeries="true"
Position="RelativePosition.Outside" />
<DxPieChartAnnotation Text="Asia"
Series="Region Sales"
Opacity="1" />
<DxChartTooltip Enabled="true"
<div style="margin: 0.75rem">
<div class="font-weight-bold">@context.Point.Argument</div>
<div>Sales: @($"${context.Point.Value:#,0.00}")</div>
@code {
IEnumerable<SaleInfo> SalesData;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
SalesData = await Sales.GetSalesAsync();
#Second-Level Components
This section lists first-level components that can contain child components.
A pie chart series can include:
The following code snippet creates a pie chart series and adds second-level components to series markup:
<DxPieChartSeries T="DailyData"
ArgumentField="@(s => s.Date)"
ValueField="@(s => s.Value)">
<DxChartSeriesLabel Position="RelativePosition.Outside" />
<DxChartSeriesLegendItem IconCssClass="oi oi-flag">
The DxChartTitle component can contain the DxChartSubTitle.
<DxChartTitle Text="Sales Amount">
<DxChartSubTitle Text="by regions" />
#Third-Level Components
This section lists second-level components that can contain child components.
The DxChartLegend component can contain DxChartTitle and DxChartSubTitle (inside the title’s markup) objects.
<DxChartLegend HorizontalAlignment="HorizontalAlignment.Right"
<DxChartTitle Text="Region">
<DxChartSubTitle Text="(2017-2019)" />
#Legend Item
The DxChartSeriesLegendItem component can contain the TextTemplate that customizes a legend item’s text.
<DxPieChartSeries T="DailyData"
ArgumentField="@(s => s.Date)"
ValueField="@(s => s.Value)">
<DxChartSeriesLegendItem IconCssClass="oi oi-flag">
#Series Label
The DxChartSeriesLabel component can contain the following child components:
- DxChartSeriesLabelConnector
- Customizes a line displayed between a point and its label.
- DxChartFont
- Contains the element’s font settings.
- DxChartSeriesLabelBorder
- Defines series label border settings.
<DxChartSeriesLabel Visible="showLabels"
<DxChartSeriesLabelConnector Width="3" />
<DxChartFont Size="14" Weight="600" Color="White"/>
<DxChartSeriesLabelBorder Color="black" Visible="true"/>
The DxPieChartAnnotation component can contain the following child components:
- DxChartAnnotationImage
- Defines settings for image annotations.
- DxChartAnnotationBorder
- Defines annotation border settings.
- DxChartAnnotationShadow
- Defines annotation shadow settings.
- DxChartFont
- Contains the element’s font settings.
<DxPieChartAnnotation Type="ChartAnnotationType.Image"
Argument="@("New York")"
Series="City Sales"
<DxChartAnnotationImage Url="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/618/618848.png" />
<DxChartAnnotationBorder Color="#FFC107" Width="2" CornerRadius="4" />