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BootstrapFABAction Properties
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Represents the Floating Action Button‘s Action object.
Name Description
ActionName Gets or sets a value that specifies the action/action item’s name. Inherited from FABCollectionItemBase.
Badge Specifies an Action’s badge. Inherited from BootstrapFABActionBase.
Collection Gets the collection to which an item belongs. Inherited from CollectionItem.
ContextName Gets or sets a value that specifies the action’s context name. Inherited from FABActionBase.
CssClass Gets or sets the name of the cascading style sheet (CSS) class associated with the action item. Inherited from FABCollectionItemBase.
IconCssClass Specifies the CSS class of the icon displayed for an Action object.
Index Gets or sets the item’s index within the collection. Inherited from CollectionItem.
SettingsBootstrap Specifies Bootstrap-specific styles and settings that can be applied to the Floating Action Button. Inherited from BootstrapFABActionBase.
Text Gets or sets the action/action item’s text. Inherited from FABCollectionItemBase.
TextCssClass Specifies the CSS class of the text displayed for an Action object. Inherited from BootstrapFABActionBase.
See Also