Floating Action Button
- 5 minutes to read
The BootstrapFloatingActionButton control is a button that appears in front of a container (HTML element or control) when users interact with the container’s elements.
#Button Types
The BootstrapFloatingActionButton stores its items in the Items collection. The are two available Floating Action Button’s item types:
- Action that executes the specified action once users click the button.
- Action Group that serves as a container for multiple actions (action items).
To create an Action, use a BootstrapFABAction object as shown in the following example:
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#default-fab">
<dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="a1" ContextName="context1" Text="Create Item"/>
For more information about BootstrapFABAction settings, refer to the table below::
Member | Description |
Specifies the action identifier within the actions collection. | |
Specifies the context name. The context defines which Floating Action Button’s item (Action or Action Group) is active. | |
Specifies the action’s text. | |
Provides access to the action’s image settings. |
#Action Group
To create an Action Group, use a BootstrapFABActionGroup object as shown in the following example:
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton ID="FABActionGroup" runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#action-group">
<ClientSideEvents Init="onActionGroupInit" />
<dx:BootstrapFABActionGroup ContextName="c1">
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="comment" Text="Comment" IconCssClass="far fa-comment"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="like" Text="Like" IconCssClass="far fa-thumbs-up"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
<ClientSideEvents ActionItemClick="onFloatingActionButtonActionItemClick" />
For more information about BootstrapFABActionGroup settings, refer to the table below::
Member | Description |
Specifies the context name. The context defines which Floating Action Button’s item (Action or Action Group) is active. | |
Specifies the action group’s text. | |
Provides access to the collapse image settings. | |
Provides access to the expand image settings. |
Each BootstrapFABActionGroup object stores its action items in the Items collection. An Action Item ( BootstrapFABActionItem ) provides the following settings:
Member | Description |
Specifies the action item’s name. | |
Specifies the action item’s text. | |
Provides access to the action item’s image settings. |
#Main Features
The Bootstrap Floating Action Button includes the following features:
- Specify a Container Control
- Position
- Customizable Appearance
- Full-Featured Client-Side Functionality
- Online Demos
#Specify a Container Control
You can associate the Floating Action Button with any HTML element or web control on a page. For this purpose, use the ContainerCssSelector property. The button is displayed over the specified container.
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#default-fab" InitialActionContext="c1">
<dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="a1" ContextName="c1"></dx:BootstrapFABAction>
The table below lists properties and their corresponding enumerations used to specify a Floating Action Button’s position.
Position | Property | Values |
Vertical | ||
Horizontal |
#Customizable Appearance
The Floating Action Button provides users with the following appearance-related features:
#Bootstrap-Specific Render
The RenderOption property specifies Bootstrap-specific styles that can be applied to the Floating Action Button. The BootstrapFloatingActionButtonRenderOption enumeration defines the available styles.
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton ClientInstanceName="fab" runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#render-option" InitialActionContext="cSuccess">
<dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="action" ContextName="cDanger">
<SettingsBootstrap RenderOption="Danger" />
<dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="action" ContextName="cDark">
<SettingsBootstrap RenderOption="Dark" />
<%-- ... --%>
Use the following API to specify an image for a Floating Action Button and nested action items:
- IconCssClass - Specifies an image for an Action Item.
- ExpandIconCssClass / CollapseIconCssClass - Specify expand/collapse images for an Action Group.
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton ID="FABActionGroup" runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#action-group">
<dx:BootstrapFABActionGroup ContextName="c1" ExpandIconCssClass="far fa-comments">
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="comment" Text="Comment" IconCssClass="far fa-comment"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="like" Text="Like" IconCssClass="far fa-thumbs-up"></dx:BootstrapFABActionItem>
The Text property specifies the button’s text, and you can use the TextVisibilityMode property to specify the text’s visibility.
- Hidden – The button text is always hidden.
- OnHover – The button text is only displayed when users hover the mouse pointer over the Floating Action Button.
- Always – The button text is always visible.
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#on-hover-mode" TextVisibilityMode="OnHover">
<dx:BootstrapFABAction ActionName="a1" ContextName="c1" Text="Create Item"></dx:BootstrapFABAction>
The text of Action Items in Action Groups is displayed on the left of the corresponding items.
The Floating Action Button control can display supplementary information action items and/or action buttons within a badge. A badge can display text and/or icon. To access the badge’s contents on the server, use the Badge property.
You can use the methods listed below to manage badges on the client:
- BootstrapClientFABActionItem.GetBadgeText /BootstrapClientFABAction.GetBadgeText - Gets the text of the action item/action badge.
- BootstrapClientFABActionItem.SetBadgeText /BootstrapClientFABAction.SetBadgeText - Sets the text of the action item/action badge.
- BootstrapClientFABActionItem.GetBadgeCssClass /BootstrapClientFABAction.GetBadgeCssClass – Gets the CSS class applied to the action item/action badge.
- BootstrapClientFABActionItem.SetBadgeCssClass /BootstrapClientFABAction.SetBadgeCssClass - Sets the CSS class applied to the action item/action badge.
- BootstrapClientFABActionItem.GetBadgeIconCssClass /BootstrapClientFABAction.GetBadgeIconCssClass - Gets the icon CSS class of the action item/action badge.
- BootstrapClientFABActionItem.SetBadgeIconCssClass /BootstrapClientFABAction.SetBadgeIconCssClass - Sets the icon CSS class of the action item/action badge.
<dx:BootstrapFloatingActionButton runat="server" ContainerCssSelector="#fab-badge">
<dx:BootstrapFABActionGroup ContextName="messages" Text="Messages">
<Badge Text="19" CssClass="badge-light" />
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="telegram" Text="Telegram" IconCssClass="fab fa-telegram">
<Badge Text="14" CssClass="badge-danger" />
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="skype" Text="Skype" IconCssClass="fab fa-skype">
<Badge Text="5" CssClass="badge-danger" />
<dx:BootstrapFABActionItem ActionName="facebook" Text="Facebook" IconCssClass="fab fa-facebook">
#Full-Featured Client-Side Functionality
On the client side, use the BootstrapClientFloatingActionButton class to interact with the control as specified below:
- SetActionContext(contextName) /GetActionContext - Gets or sets which action/action group is displayed in response to a user action.
- SetHorizontalPosition(horizontalPosition) / SetVerticalPosition(verticalPosition) - Gets or sets the Floating Action Button’s horizontal and vertical position.
- SetContainerCssSelector(selector) - Associates the Floating Action Button with the specified container.
#Online Demos
To see Bootstrap Floating Action Button and its features in action, refer the links below: