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ASPxClientUtils Members

In This Article
Represents an object containing service static functions and properties which can be useful when performing client-side processing.


Name Description
agent static Gets the user-agent string, which identifies the client browser and provides certain system details of the client computer.
androidPlatform static Gets a value that specifies whether the application is run under the Android platform.
browserMajorVersion static Gets a value that specifies a client browser’s major version.
browserVersion static Gets a value that specifies a client browser’s full version.
chrome static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Google Chrome.
firefox static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Firefox.
firefox3 static Obsolete. Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Firefox version 3.
iOSPlatform static Gets a value that specifies whether the application is run under an iOS platform.
macOSPlatform static Gets a value that specifies whether the application is run under a MacOS platform.
mozilla static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Mozilla.
msTouchUI static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser supports the Microsoft touch user interface.
netscape static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Netscape.
netscapeFamily static Gets a value that specifies whether a client browser is based on Netscape.
opera static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Opera.
opera9 static Obsolete. Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Opera version 9.
safari static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Safari.
safari3 static Obsolete. Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Safari version 3.
safariMacOS static Obsolete. Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser is Safari, running under a MacOS operating system.
touchUI static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser supports touch.
webKitFamily static Gets a value that specifies whether a client browser is based on WebKit.
webKitTouchUI static Gets a value that specifies whether the client browser supports the WebKit touch user interface.
windowsPlatform static Gets a value that specifies whether the application is run under the Windows platform.


Name Description
AddClassNameToElement(element, className) static Adds the class name to the specified element on the page.
ArrayClear(array) static Removes all items from the specified array object.
ArrayIndexOf(array, element) static Searches for the specified array item and returns the zero-based index of its first occurrence within the specified array object.
ArrayInsert(array, element) static Inserts the specified item into the specified array object.
ArrayRemove(array, element) static Removes the specified item from the specified array object.
ArrayRemoveAt(array, index) static Removes an item at the specified index location from the specified array object.
AttachEventToElement(element, eventName, method) static Binds the specified function to a specific element’s event, so that the function gets called whenever the event fires on the element.
ClearSelection static Clears any text selection made within the window’s client region.
DeleteCookie(name) static Deletes a cookie with the specified name.
DetachEventFromElement(element, eventName, method) static Unbinds the specified function from a specific element’s event, so that the function stops receiving notifications when the event fires.
GetAbsoluteX(element) static Gets the x-coordinate of the specified element’s top left corner relative to the client area of the window, excluding scroll bars.
GetAbsoluteY(element) static Gets the y-coordinate of the specified element’s top left corner relative to the client area of the window, excluding scroll bars.
GetChildById(element, id) static Returns a reference to the first element that has the specified ID in the parent HTML element specified.
GetChildByTagName(element, tagName, index) static Returns a reference to the particular element that has the specified element name and is contained within the specified parent HTML element.
GetCookie(name) static Retrieves a cookie with the specified name.
GetDocumentClientHeight static Gets the height of the window’s client region.
GetDocumentClientWidth static Gets the width of the window’s client region.
GetDocumentScrollLeft static Returns the distance between the left edge of the document and the leftmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.
GetDocumentScrollTop static Returns the distance between the top edge of the document and the topmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.
GetEditorValuesInContainer(containerOrId) static Returns values of editors located in the specified container.
GetEventSource(htmlEvent) static Returns the object that fired the event.
GetEventX(htmlEvent) static Gets the x-coordinate of the event-related mouse pointer position relative to an end-user’s screen.
GetEventY(htmlEvent) static Gets the y-coordinate of the event-related mouse pointer position relative to an end-user’s screen.
GetIsParent(parentElement, element) static Gets a value indicating whether the object passed via the parentElement parameter is a parent of the object passed via the element parameter.
GetKeyCode(htmlEvent) static Gets the keyboard code for the specified event.
GetParentByClassName(element, className) static Returns a reference to the specified HTML element’s first parent object whose class name matches the specified value.
GetParentById(element, id) static Returns a reference to the specified HTML element’s first parent object which has an ID that matches the specified value.
GetParentByTagName(element, tagName) static Returns a reference to the specified HTML element’s first parent object whose element name matches the specified value.
GetShortcutCode(keyCode, isCtrlKey, isShiftKey, isAltKey) static Returns a specifically generated code that uniquely identifies the combination of keys specified via the parameters.
GetShortcutCodeByEvent(htmlEvent) static Returns a specifically generated code that uniquely identifies the pressed key combination, which is specified by the related HTML event.
IsExists(obj) static Gets a value that indicates whether the specified object exists on the client side.
IsFunction(obj) static Gets a value that indicates whether the specified object is a function.
PreventDragStart(htmlEvent) static Removes mouse capture from the specified event’s source object.
PreventEvent(htmlEvent) static Cancels the default action of the specified event.
PreventEventAndBubble(htmlEvent) static Cancels both the specified event’s default action and the event’s bubbling upon the hierarchy of event handlers.
RemoveClassNameFromElement(element, className) static Removes the class name attribute from the element.
SendMessageToAssistiveTechnology(message) static Specifies the text that Assistive Technologies (screen readers or braille display, for example) will provide to a user.
SetAbsoluteX(element, x) static Sets the x-coordinate of the specified element’s top left corner relative to the client area of the window, excluding scroll bars.
SetAbsoluteY(element, y) static Sets the y-coordinate of the specified element’s top left corner relative to the client area of the window, excluding scroll bars.
SetCookie(name, value) static Creates or updates the HTTP cookie for the response.
SetEditorValues(values) static Sets values to editors.
StringToShortcutCode(shortcutString) static Returns a specifically generated code that uniquely identifies the combination of keys specified via the parameter.
ToggleClassName(element, className, toggleState) static Adds or removes a class name to an element.
Trim(str) static Trims all leading and trailing whitespaces from the string.
TrimEnd(str) static Trims all trailing whitespaces from the string.
TrimStart(str) static Trims all leading whitespaces from the string.
See Also