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ASPxClientUploadControl Events
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A client-side equivalent of the ASPxUploadControl control.
Name Description
DropZoneEnter Fires when the mouse enters a drop zone or an external drop zone element while dragging a file.
DropZoneLeave Fires when the mouse leaves a drop zone or an external drop zone element while dragging a file.
FileInputCountChanged Occurs on the client side when the file input elements count is changed.
FilesUploadComplete Occurs on the client after upload of all selected files has been completed.
FilesUploadStart Occurs on the client side before file upload is started.
FileUploadComplete Occurs on the client side after a file has been uploaded.
FileUploadStart Obsolete. Occurs on the client side before upload of the specified files starts.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
TextChanged Fires on the client side when the text within the control’s edit box is changed while the control has focus.
UploadingProgressChanged Occurs on the client side when the progress bar indicator position is changed.
ValidationErrorOccurred Enables you to specify whether the selected file(s) are valid and provide an error text.
See Also