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ASPxClientUploadControl.FileInputCountChanged Event

Occurs on the client side when the file input elements count is changed.


FileInputCountChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientEventHandler<ASPxClientUploadControl>>

#Event Data

The FileInputCountChanged event's data class is ASPxClientEventArgs.


The FileInputCountChanged event is raised when an end-user has added or removed a file input element in the ASPxUploadControl by using the add or Remove buttons. Write this event handler to perform specific actions on the client side each time the number of file input elements is changed.

<dx:ASPxUploadControl ID="ASPxUploadControl1" runat="server" FileInputCount="5" ShowAddRemoveButtons="True">
    <ClientSideEvents FileInputCountChanged="function(s, e) {
          var fcount = s.GetFileInputCount();
        if(fcount >= 10)
    }" />
See Also