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ASPxClientListBox.SetItemHtml(index, html) Method

Defines the HTML content for the specified list box item.


    index: number,
    html: string
): void


Name Type Description
index number

The item’s index.

html string

A string value that is the HTML code defining the content of the list box item.


Use the SetItemHtml method on the client side to dynamically provide a list box item with the specified HTML content.


The following example illustrates how to specify the HTML content for list box items using the ASPxClientListBox.SetItemHtml method.


    function OnclientListBox_Init(s, e) {
        for (i = 0; i < clientListBox.GetItemCount() ; i++) {
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                clientListBox.SetItemHtml(i, "<b>" + clientListBox.GetItem(i).text + "</b>");
                clientListBox.SetItemHtml(i, "<i>" + clientListBox.GetItem(i).text + "</i>");
<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <dx:ASPxListBox ID="ASPxListBox1" ClientInstanceName="clientListBox" runat="server" ValueType="System.String">
            <dx:ListEditItem Text="Item 1" Value="0" />
            <dx:ListEditItem Text="Item 2" Value="1" />
            <dx:ListEditItem Text="Item 3" Value="2" />
            <dx:ListEditItem Text="Item 4" Value="3" />
        <ClientSideEvents Init="OnclientListBox_Init" />
See Also