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ASPxClientCheckBoxList.UnselectIndices(indices) Method

Unselects items with the specified indices within a check box list.


    indices: number[]
): void


Name Type Description
indices number[]

An array of integer values that are the item indices.


Use the UnselectIndices method to unselect items with the specified indices within a check box list. To select items specified by their indices, use the ASPxClientCheckBoxList.SelectIndices method.

Additionally, you can unselect items by their values (ASPxClientCheckBoxList.UnselectValues), directly (ASPxClientCheckBoxList.UnselectItems), or select all items within the control (ASPxClientCheckBoxList.UnselectAll).

To obtain indices of the selected items, use the ASPxClientCheckBoxList.GetSelectedIndices method.

See Also