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ASPxClientCardView.BatchEditCardValidating Event

Enables you to specify whether card data is valid and provide an error text.


BatchEditCardValidating: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientCardViewBatchEditCardValidatingEventHandler<ASPxClientCardView>>

#Event Data

The BatchEditCardValidating event's data class is ASPxClientCardViewBatchEditCardValidatingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
validationInfo Provides validation information of a card currently being validated.
visibleIndex Gets the processed card’s visible index.


The BatchEditCardValidating event is automatically raised when a card is about to be updated, and allows you to specify whether its data is valid. For an invalid card, you can provide an error text.

To manually validate the edited card, call the ASPxClientCardViewBatchEditApi.ValidateCard method.

See Also