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Product Information

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The topics in this section give you basic information on the ASPxEditors.


The Deployment section describes assemblies required by web projects that use the functionality of the DevExpress Data Editors. Some of the assemblies are essential, while others that provide additional functionality can be optionally deployed, depending on your requirements.


If you use any DevExpress components in your project, their use and deployment should comply with the corresponding EULA documents. For more details on licensing information and the redistribution policy of DevExpress, refer to the following topic: Redistribution and Deployment.

Depending on the production server’s permissions and the number of web applications that use the same DevExpress assemblies, you can either register the assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or place them in the Bin folder of your application on the target computer. To learn more about web project deployment techniques, see the following topic: ASP.NET Deployment Content Map.

#Required Libraries

Below are the essential libraries required by applications that use the DevExpress Data Editors.

Assembly Description
DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll Implements the most basic functionality common to all DevExpress controls. This includes classes for data binding, skinning, printing, exporting, as well as many other auxiliary types and resources.
DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll Contains classes that implement the core functionality of all DevExpress web controls and the functionality of controls from the following components: Data Editors, GridView, Card View, Vertical Grid, Data and Image Navigation, Docking and Popups, Site Navigation and Layout, File Management and Multi-Use Site Controls.

#Optional Libraries

The following libraries add functionality to web projects that use DevExpress Data Editors.


  • DevExpress Themes

    If you use any DevExpress Theme, you should deploy the following assembly.




    Contains classes that implement a set of predefined DevExpress themes for DevExpress web controls. See the following topic to learn more: ASPxThemes Assembly.

  • Localization

    If you localize editors using the satellite resource assemblies, you need to deploy the corresponding assemblies. See the following topic to learn more: Satellite Resource Assemblies.

#Redistributable Libraries

For a complete list of libraries that are considered redistributable under your registered product’s EULA, refer to the following help topic: Redistributable Assemblies (ASP.NET and MVC Deployment).


All DevExpress assemblies are located in the “C:\Program Files\DevExpress 24.2\Components\Bin\Framework\“ folder of your development machine after installation.

#Non-Redistributable Libraries

Distribution of any DevExpress design-time libraries ending with “.Design” is strictly prohibited. This means that you cannot use our installation for deployment purposes since it includes design libraries that cannot be distributed according to the terms of our EULA.


Please consult the EULA for additional up-to-the-minute information on which libraries, tools and executables are considered redistributable.

#Included Components

The Included Components section lists all included Data Editor controls.

You can use an editor control stand-alone or within a DevExpress container control such as a grid view (ASPxGridView). To embed a specific editor in a container control, a corresponding EditorProperties object (specific to the editor’s type) must be created. This object implements all the editor properties that allow you to customize the in-place editor. The container control (ASPxGridView) uses information from EditorProperties classes to create fully-functional editors when required.

Each editor contains the corresponding client-side equivalent object that allows you to perform the required actions on the client side.

The table below lists available editors, their corresponding editor properties classes and client-side equivalents.

Logo Server Control Editor Properties Class Client Object Description
logo_ASPxBinaryImage ASPxBinaryImage BinaryImageEditProperties ASPxClientBinaryImage An editor that displays binary images.
logo_ASPxButton ASPxButton None ASPxClientButton The button control.
logo_ASPxButtonEdit.png ASPxButtonEdit ButtonEditProperties ASPxClientButtonEdit A text editor that allows you to display buttons within an edit box.
logo_ASPxCalendar.png ASPxCalendar CalendarProperties ASPxClientCalendar The calendar control that allows dates to be selected and provides you with a quick way of navigating through months and years.
logo_ASPxCheckBox.png ASPxCheckBox CheckBoxProperties ASPxClientCheckBox A check box control that displays a check box option. Mostly used to edit Boolean values.
logo_ASPxCheckBoxList ASPxCheckBoxList CheckBoxListProperties ASPxClientCheckBoxList A control that provides a list of check boxes.
ASPxColorEdit-Icon ASPxColorEdit ColorEditProperties ASPxClientColorEdit A color editor.
logo_ASPxComboBox.png ASPxComboBox ComboBoxProperties ASPxClientComboBox A text editor that allows you to select predefined items from a dropdown list.
logo_ASPxDateEdit.png ASPxDateEdit DateEditProperties ASPxClientDateEdit An editor that allows you to edit date values using a dropdown calendar.
ASPxDropDownEdit-Icon ASPxDropDownEdit DropDownEditProperties ASPxClientDropDownEdit An editor with a templated dropdown window.
logo_ASPxFilterControl.png ASPxFilterControl None ASPxClientFilterControl A stand-alone control that allows end-users to build filter criteria.
logo_ASPxHyperLink.png ASPxHyperLink HyperLinkProperties ASPxClientHyperLink An editor that allows you to edit hyperlinks and navigate to their targets.
logo_ASPxImage.png ASPxImage ImageEditProperties ASPxClientImage An editor that displays images.
logo_ASPxLabel.png ASPxLabel LabelProperties ASPxClientLabel A label control that displays text on a web page.
logo_ASPxListBox.png ASPxListBox ListBoxProperties ASPxClientListBox A list box control that displays a list of items that a user can select.
logo_ASPxMemo.png ASPxMemo MemoProperties ASPxClientMemo An editor that allows you to display and edit multi-line text.
ASPxProgressBar-Icon ASPxProgressBar ProgressBarProperties ASPxClientProgressBar The progress bar control.
logo_ASPxRadioButton.png ASPxRadioButton RadioButtonProperties ASPxClientRadioButton A button control that a user can select, but not clear.
logo_ASPxRadioButtonList.png ASPxRadioButtonList RadioButtonListProperties ASPxClientRadioButtonList A control that displays a group of radio buttons.
logo_ASPxSpinEdit.gif ASPxSpinEdit SpinEditProperties ASPxClientSpinEdit A textbox editor with specific spin buttons used to edit numeric values.
logo_ASPxTextBox.png ASPxTextBox TextBoxProperties ASPxClientTextBox A single-line text editor.
ASPxTimeEdit-logo.png ASPxTimeEdit TimeEditProperties ASPxClientTimeEdit An editor that allows users to edit displayed time values.
ASPxTokenBox-logo.png ASPxTokenBox TokenBoxProperties ASPxClientTokenBox A text editor that allows you to select multiple items from a predefined list using the auto-complete feature.
ASPxTrackBar_logo.png ASPxTrackBar TrackBarProperties ASPxClientTrackBar A slider editor for single and range value selection.
ASPxValidationSummary-logo.png ASPxValidationSummary None ASPxClientValidationSummary A control that allows you to summarize validation errors and display them as a group in a panel.
See Also