The Memo control allows end users to input text in multiple lines.
On the server, the control is the ASPxMemo class, and the ASPxClientMemo class - its client-side equivalent.
#Automatic Scroll Bar Activation
The Memo control automatically shows a vertical scroll bar if the content does not fit the editor’s size.
#Null Prompt Text
The Memo control allows you to display prompt text if the editor is empty and not focused. The prompt text disappears when the editor is focused.
#Native Mode
You can render ASPxMemo as a native HTML element (textarea). This reduces the amount of generated HTML code and improves the editor’s performance. In native mode, the memo’s appearance depends on how the client browser renders native HTML elements.
#Built-in Validation
The Memo control allows you to validate its data on the client and server sides, and display descriptive error messages.