Progress Bar
- 2 minutes to read
The ASPxProgressBar control allows you to visually indicate an operation’s progress.
The ASPxProgressBar includes the following features:
Limit an Indicated Range
The ASPxProgressBar.Minimum and ASPxProgressBar.Maximum properties define the range of progress bar values. For instance, set the Maximum property value to the total number of uploaded files or to their total length to display the progress when a user uploads a group of files.
The ASPxProgressBar.Position property defines the current progress bar indicator’s position. The Position property value is between the Minimum and Maximum property values.
Optional Text Display
The ASPxProgressBar.ShowPosition property defines whether the control displays the indicator’s current position. The ASPxProgressBar.DisplayMode property specifies if the progress bar displays its current position as a percentage or absolute value. The progress bar control’s current position is the Position property’s approximate value.
Progress Bar View Affected Properties
Position = False Minimum = 0
Maximum = 50
Position = 20
Position = True Display
Mode = Percentage Minimum = 0
Maximum = 50
Position = 20
Position = True Display
Mode = Position Minimum = 0
Maximum = 50
Position = 20
Customizable Appearance
The ASPxProgressBar.IndicatorStyle property allows you to customize the progress bar indicator‘s appearance.
Display Progress of a Server Process
The ASPxProgressBar allows you to display the progress of a server process on the client side in the following ways:
- Using web methods (online example: How to use the WebMethod attribute to display the progress of a server-side process on the client)
- Using HttpHandler (online example: How to use HTTP handlers to display the progress of a server-side process on the client)
- Using HttpModule (online example: How to track the progress of server-side processing on the client side (using HttpModule))
Full-Featured Client-Side API
The ASPxClientProgressBar object is the ASPxProgressBar control’s client-side equivalent. You can use this object to access the control’s client-side API.
Use the following methods to modify the editor values:
Method Description ASPx Client Progress Bar. Get Maximum Gets the progress bar’s maximum range value. ASPx Client Progress Bar. Get Minimum Gets the progress bar’s minimum range value. ASPx Client Progress Bar. Get Percent Gets the progress position (in percentage). ASPx Client Progress Bar. Get Position Gets the progress position. ASPx Client Progress Bar. Set Maximum Sets the progress bar’s maximum range value. ASPx Client Progress Bar. Set Minimum Sets the progress bar’s minimum range value. ASPx Client Progress Bar. Set Min Max Values Sets the progress bar’s minimum and maximum range values. ASPx Client Progress Bar. Set Position Sets the progress position.