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Radio Button

The ASPxRadioButton control is a button that users can select, but cannot clear. When you use a set of radio buttons to allow users to select an input, they can select only one option.


<dx:ASPxRadioButton ID="radioButton" runat="server" Text="Send me notification emails" Checked="true" />

ASPxRadioButton offers the following features:

Native Rendering
ASPxRadioButton supports native rendering as a native HTML input element of the radio type. When native HTML mode is enabled, a control’s appearance depends on how a client browser renders native HTML elements. This reduces the render size and improves the editor’s overall performance. Set the Native property value to true to enable native rendering.
Custom Images
A radio button’s default edit region (the check mark area) contains an image and the ASPxRadioButton editor. You can assign your own images to display for different check states.
Built-in Validation
ASPxRadioButton allows you to validate data on both the client and server sides. See the following help topic to learn more: Validation.
Full-Featured Client-Side API
The ASPxClientRadioButton object is the client-side equivalent of the ASPxRadioButton control. This object exposes the control’s comprehensive client-side API.