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VGridOptionsFind.ParserKind Property

Gets or sets whether a search query in the Find Panel is treated as a whole, or as separate keywords for a logical conjunction or disjunction.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Navigation, DevExpress.Win.VerticalGrid


public virtual FindPanelParserKind ParserKind { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
FindPanelParserKind Default

A FindPanelParserKind enumeration value.

Available values:

Name Description

When the WindowsFormsSettings.FindPanelParserKind setting equals Default, this value is interpreted as And. If you set the WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultSettingsCompatibilityMode property to v18_2 or an earlier version, the Default value is interpreted as Mixed.

When a control’s ParserKind property is set to Default, the WindowsFormsSettings.FindPanelParserKind setting specifies the actual behavior for this control.


Words are combined by the ‘OR’ operator. The operator changes to ‘AND’ if you specify a column name before a search word. The ‘administrator owner Country:Sweden’ string is treated as ‘(administrator OR owner) AND Sweden(in the Country column)’


The exact match. If the entered string contains the space characters, the words are not treated separately.


Words are combined by the ‘AND’ operator.

The operator changes to ‘OR’ when you precede a word with the ‘?’ character.

The operator changes to ‘NOT’/‘AND NOT’ when you precede a word with the ‘-‘ sign. The ‘?administrator ?Maria Sweden -Owner’ is treated as ‘Sweden AND (administrator OR Maria) AND NOT Owner’


Words are combined by the ‘OR’ operator. The operator changes to ‘AND’ when you precede a word with the ‘+’ sign. The ‘administrator Maria +Sweden’ string is treated as the ‘Sweden AND (administrator OR Maria)’ query.


Allows you to implement a custom parser by handling a control’s ParseFindPanelText event.

Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Object Type Path to ParserKind
.OptionsFind .ParserKind


The ParserKind property accepts the following values.

  • FindPanelParserKind.Default - inherits the global WindowsFormsSettings.FindPanelParserKind property value.

  • FindPanelParserKind.Mixed - the legacy mode, which was the only available option prior version 19.1 when the ParserKind property was introduced. Combines the logical parts of the entered string with the “OR” operator. In the figure below, the “administrator Sweden“ search string is transformed into the “administrator OR Sweden“ query: Vertical Grid highlights all rows that have either “administrator“ or “Sweden“.


    If a user adds column names to the search syntax, the operator changes to “AND”. For example, both the ““Contact Title”:administrator Sweden“ and “administrator Country:Sweden“ strings are parsed as the “administrator AND Sweden“ query.

  • FindPanelParserKind.Or - uses the “OR” operator to build a search query. Unlike the Mixed mode, does not switch to the “AND” operator when users add column names.


    The operator changes to “AND” only when a user explicitly adds the “+” sign. In the figure below, the “administrator Maria +Sweden“ string is treated as the “(administrator AND Sweden) OR (Maria AND Sweden)“ query.


  • FindPanelParserKind.And - uses the “AND” operator to build a search query.


    Users can add the “?” character to force the “OR” operator. In the figure below, the “?administrator ?Maria Sweden“ string is translated as “Sweden AND (administrator OR Maria)“.


  • FindPanelParserKind.Exact - ignores whitespaces; Vertical Grid looks up the entire string entered in the Find Panel as if it was a whole word.


  • FindPanelParserKind.Custom - handle the ParseFindPanelText event to provide a custom Find Panel logic.

See Also