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TreeListOptionsCustomization Properties

Provides access to a TreeList‘s customization options.
Name Description
AdvancedCustomizationFormSortMode Gets or sets whether and how column/band headers are sorted within the advanced Customization Form.
AllowBandMoving Specifies whether bands can be moved by dragging their headers.
AllowBandResizing Specifies whether bands can be resized by dragging the right edge of their headers.
AllowChangeBandParent Specifies whether bands can be moved between parents.
AllowChangeColumnParent Specifies whether columns can be moved between bands.
AllowColumnMoving Specifies whether columns can be moved by dragging their headers.
AllowColumnResizing Specifies whether columns can be resized by dragging the right edge of their headers.
AllowFilter Gets or sets whether users can use pop-up filter menus and filter panel. This property does not disable filtering data in code.
AllowQuickHideColumns Specifies whether bands and individual columns can be hidden by dragging their headers away from the header panel.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether or not end-users can sort data within this Tree List.
AutoFocusCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether to focus the Customization Form when it is invoked.
CustomizationFormSearchBoxVisible Gets or sets whether the Customization Form displays the search box that allows end-users to find columns and bands.
CustomizationFormSnapMode Gets or sets whether or not the Customization Form can stick to the parent form or screen edges.
ShowBandsInCustomizationForm Specifies whether hidden bands are displayed in the Customization Form.
UseAdvancedCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether to use the advanced Customization Form.
See Also