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DXOutlook365Sync.MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync(Boolean) Method

Merges the Scheduler control with Outlook 365 calendars.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Microsoft365Calendar

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.Microsoft365Calendar.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Scheduler.Core.Desktop.Microsoft365Calendar


public Task MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync(
    bool useTracker


Name Type Description
useTracker Boolean

true to use a version control system of the DXOutlook365Sync component; otherwise, false.


Type Description

The task.


The DXOutlook365Sync component tracks appointment changes in the Scheduler control. It also keeps track of all appointments that were exported from Outlook 365 calendars, including those that were deleted from the Scheduler control by a user or in code after import.

How it Works

Use the MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync method and set the useTracker parameter to true to remove events from Outlook 365 calendars if the corresponding appointments have already been removed from the Scheduler control.

Example: The Outlook 365 calendar has the Task-A event. A user imports events from Outlook 365 to the Scheduler control. Then, the user deletes the Task-A appointment from the Scheduler control. If you call the MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync(true) method, the Task-A event will be removed from Outlook365.

If the useTracker parameter is set to false, the MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync method imports such events (which were previously imported from Outlook 365 to Scheduler and then deleted from Scheduler) from Outlook 365 to the Scheduler control.

Example: The Outlook 365 calendar has the Task-A event. A user imports events from Outlook 365 to the Scheduler control. Then, the user deletes the Task-A appointment from the Scheduler control. If you call the MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync(false) method, the Task-A event will be imported from Outlook 365 to the Scheduler control.

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the MergeSchedulerAndOutlookAsync(Boolean) method.


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See Also