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XtraPageSettings.AssignDefaultPrinterSettings(PrinterSettingsUsing) Method

Assigns the default printer settings to the current page settings according to the specified PrinterSettingsUsing value.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPrinting

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Printing


public void AssignDefaultPrinterSettings(
    PrinterSettingsUsing settingsUsing


Name Type Description
settingsUsing PrinterSettingsUsing

A PrinterSettingsUsing object specifying which of the printer settings should be assigned.


This method gets the settings of the default printer and sets them to the page settings which have their settingsUsing values set to true. For instance, if the PrinterSettingsUsing.UsePaperKind value is set to true, then the paper kind settings for the default system printer will be set to the current page settings; otherwise, the old paper kind value is kept for the current page settings.

See Also