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LayoutItemContainer.AppearanceGroup Property

Provides access to the properties that control the group’s appearance.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraLayout

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraLayout.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public AppearanceObject AppearanceGroup { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A PageAppearance object that provides the appearance settings used to paint the group.


The LayoutControl supports the hierarchical structure of appearances. The appearance settings applied to layout groups are propagated to their layout items and nested groups. If appearance settings are applied to specific layout items/groups, they override the appearances of parent groups. Please refer to the Appearances topic for information on the appearance mechanism.

The AppearanceGroup property allows you to customize a specific group’s appearance settings.

To return the actual appearance settings that are used to paint a specific layout item/group, use the following properties: LayoutItemContainer.PaintAppearanceGroup, LayoutItemContainer.PaintAppearanceItemCaption and BaseLayoutItem.PaintAppearanceItemCaption.

See Also