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FileExplorerAssistant.Attach(GridControl, Action<GridControlExtension>) Method

Creates a new GridControlExtension and attaches it to the target Data Grid.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraDialogs

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraDialogs.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Dialogs, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public GridControlExtension Attach(
    GridControl grid,
    Action<GridControlExtension> settings = null


Name Type Description
grid GridControl

The Data Grid that should be managed by the newly created GridControlExtension.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
settings Action<DevExpress.XtraDialogs.FileExplorerExtensions.GridControlExtension> null

A delegate that sets up the newly created GridControlExtension.


Type Description

The newly created GridControlExtension.


The code below illustrates how to create a GridControlExtension with required settings and attach it to the “gridControl1” control.

using DevExpress.XtraDialogs;
using DevExpress.XtraDialogs.FileExplorerExtensions;

var gridEx = fileExplorerAssistant1.Attach(gridControl1, x => {
    x.CurrentPath = @"C:\Windows";
    x.CurrentItemChanged += OnCurrentGridItemChanged;
    // Other settings

void OnCurrentGridItemChanged(object sender, CurrentItemChangedEventArgs e) {
    // Synchronize TreeList and DataGrid selections

See this article for more information on extensions and their core settings: Custom Browsers (FileExplorerAssistant Component).

See Also