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DataLayoutControl.GetLayoutElementsBindingsInfo() Method

Returns information on the layout column count and binding settings of public properties in the data source.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraDataLayout

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraLayout.v24.2.dll


public virtual LayoutElementsBindingInfo GetLayoutElementsBindingsInfo()


Type Description

A value that specifies information on layout element binding settings.


When you bind the DataLayoutControl to a specific data source using the DataLayoutControl.DataSource property, the control obtains information on available public properties in the bound data source and automatically builds a layout with appropriate editors.

To obtain the layout column count and binding settings of all public properties in the bound object, use the GetLayoutElementsBindingsInfo method.

Binding settings for all auto-generated layout items and the layout column count can be customized using the DataLayoutControl.RetrieveFields method and DataLayoutControl.FieldRetrieving event.

You can apply specific Data Annotation attributes to a business object bound to a Data Layout control. The Data Layout control will use these attributes to build a layout and adjust item settings. See the Binding to Data Source in Code and Data Annotation Attributes - Building Layout from Business Object topics for more information.

See Also