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WizardLegendPage Properties

Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables customization of the visual appearance and layout of a chart legend.
Name Description
Description Gets the text of a banner in the upper section of the page, describing the page and available user activities. Inherited from WizardPage.
Group Gets a group of pages to which the current page belongs. Inherited from WizardPage.
Header Returns the header text of the wizard page. Inherited from WizardPage.
HiddenPageTabs Provides access to a collection of LegendPageTab enumeration values, representing the hidden tabs.
Image Gets an image displayed in the ChartWizard sidebar, symbolizing the page. Inherited from WizardPage.
Label Get the text string which is displayed to the right of the image, which symbolizes the page in the ChartWizard sidebar. Inherited from WizardPage.
WizardPageType Gets the Wizard page’s type. Inherited from WizardPage.
See Also