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ToastNotification(Object, Image, String, Image, String, Image, String, String, String, String, String, ToastNotificationSound, ToastNotificationDuration, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, AppLogoCrop, ToastNotificationTemplate) Constructor

Initializes a new toast notification and specifies its content that matches the Generic template.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.ToastNotifications

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll


public ToastNotification(
    object id,
    Image image,
    string imagePath,
    Image appLogoImage,
    string appLogoImagePath,
    Image heroImage,
    string heroImagePath,
    string header,
    string body,
    string body2,
    string attributionText,
    ToastNotificationSound sound,
    ToastNotificationDuration duration,
    DateTimeOffset? displayTimestamp,
    AppLogoCrop appLogoImageCrop,
    ToastNotificationTemplate template


Name Type Description
id Object

An object that is a unique notification ID.

image Image

The main notification image.

imagePath String

A String value that is the path to the main notification image.

appLogoImage Image

The application logo image.

appLogoImagePath String

A String value that is the path to the application logo image.

heroImage Image

The image docked to the notification’s top, 364x180 pixels at 100% scale.

heroImagePath String

A String value that is the path to the hero image.

header String

A String value that is the header text for this notification.

body String

A String value that is the primary notification text.

body2 String

A String value that is the secondary notification text.

attributionText String

A String value that is the attribution text, displayed to the right of the application name.

sound ToastNotificationSound

A ToastNotificationSound enumerator value that specifies what Windows sound plays when this notification appears on screen.

duration ToastNotificationDuration

A ToastNotificationDuration enumerator value that specifies for how long this notification remains visible once shown.

displayTimestamp Nullable<DateTimeOffset>

A DateTimeOffset value that specifies the date and time related to this notification.

appLogoImageCrop DevExpress.XtraBars.ToastNotifications.AppLogoCrop

An AppLogoCrop enumeration value that specifies the crop mode for the application logo icon.

template ToastNotificationTemplate

A ToastNotificationTemplate enumeration value that specifies the notification template. For this constructor, choose the ToastNotificationTemplate.Generic value.

See Also