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RibbonHitInfo Properties

Contains information about a specific point within a Ribbon Control.
Name Description
CaptionBar Gets or sets the caption bar (see the RibbonControl.CaptionBarItemLinks property) located at the test point.
Gallery Gets the Gallery located at the test point.
GalleryItem Gets the Gallery item located at the test point.
GalleryItemGroup Gets the Gallery item group located at the test point.
HitPoint Gets or set the test point.
HitTest Gets a value which identifies the type of the visual element located under the test point.
InCaptionBar Returns whether the test point is within the caption bar region.
InFormButton Gets whether the test point is within any of the form’s buttons (Minimize, Maximize or Close).
InFullScreenButton Gets whether the test point is within the Full Screen button.
InGallery Gets whether the test point is within a Gallery.
InGalleryFilter Gets whether the test point is within the Dropdown Gallery’s Filter panel.
InGalleryGroup Gets whether the test point is within a Gallery group.
InGalleryItem Gets whether the test point is within a Gallery item.
InGalleryScrollBar Gets whether the test point is over a gallery’s scroll bar.
InGallerySizeGrip Gets whether the test point is within a size grip region.
InGallerySizingPanel Gets whether the test point is within the Dropdown Gallery’s Sizing panel.
InItem Gets whether the test point is within a bar item link.
InPage Gets whether the test point is within a Ribbon page‘s caption.
InPageCategory Gets whether the test point is within a Ribbon page category‘s caption.
InPageGroup Gets whether the test point is within a page group.
InPageHeaderScrollButtons Gets whether the test point belongs to a scroll button used to scroll through pages.
InPageItem Gets whether the test point is within a bar item link that is displayed within a page group.
InPanel Gets whether the test point is within the Group Panel.
InPanelScrollButtons Gets whether the test point belongs to a scroll button used to scroll through a page’s contents.
InToolbar Gets whether the test point is within a Quick Access Toolbar.
IsEmpty Gets whether the test point belongs to any visual element or is outside the Ribbon Control.
Item Gets the bar item link which is located at the test point.
Page Gets or sets the Ribbon page which is located at the test point.
PageCategory Gets or sets the Ribbon page category which is located at the test point.
PageCategoryInfo Gets an object that contains view information on the category at the test point.
PageGroup Gets or sets the Ribbon page group which is located at the test point.
PageInfo Returns the RibbonPageViewInfo object associated with this RibbonHitInfo object.
StatusBar Gets the RibbonStatusBar control located at the test point.
Toolbar Gets or sets the Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar which is located at the test point.
See Also