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EFFiltersViewModel(DBSetFilter[], IDictionary<String, DBTable>, IParameterService, IServiceProvider, IParameterEditorService) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the EFFiltersViewModel class with the specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.DataAccess.UI.EntityFramework

Assembly: DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.DataAccess


public EFFiltersViewModel(
    DBSetFilter[] filters,
    IDictionary<string, DBTable> dbTables,
    IParameterService parameterService,
    IServiceProvider propertyGridServices,
    IParameterEditorService parameterEditorService


Name Type Description
filters DBSetFilter[]

An array of DBSetFilter objects that specify filters applied to an Entity Framework DBSet.

dbTables IDictionary<String, DBTable>

A dictionary that specifies a value pair that includes the DBSet‘s name and the DBTable.

parameterService IParameterService

An object implementing the IParameterService interface.

propertyGridServices IServiceProvider

An object implementing the IServiceProvider interface.

parameterEditorService IParameterEditorService

An object implementing the IParameterEditorService interface.

See Also