RichEditControl Document
The topics in this section give you basic information about the structure of a RichEditControl document.
Topics in the Document Structure section illustrate a document’s architecture. Refer to this section for information about document levels and their structure.
Refer to the Measure Units topic for information on measure units in the RichEditControl document.
Check these topics for examples on how to manage a specific element in code and from the User Interface:
- Positions and Ranges
- Paragraphs
- Sections
- Lists
- Shapes, Pictures and Other Graphic Objects
- Charts
- OLE Objects
- ActiveX Controls
- Fields
- Hyperlinks and Bookmarks
- Headers and Footers
- Watermarks
- Footnotes and Endnotes
- Tables
- Range Permissions
- Comments
- Content Controls
- Document Properties
- Custom XML Parts
- VBA Macros