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AutoCorrect Feature

  • 5 minutes to read

The RichEditControl AutoCorrect feature can help you automate inserting frequently used text, auto-correcting typing errors and misspelled capitalization. You can specify the built-in options construct a custom replacement table or handle the Autocorrect event to analyze the input text and provide the necessary substitution.

#Built-in Automatic Correction Options

The following members enable you to enable certain automatic correction features:

Property Description
AutoCorrectOptions.DetectUrls Automatically detects an inserted web address, a network path or email address and converts it to a hyperlink.
AutoCorrectOptions.CorrectTwoInitialCapitals Corrects capitalization errors.
AutoCorrectOptions.ReplaceTextAsYouType Scans for entries as you type and replaces them with the designated text or image.
AutoCorrectOptions.UseSpellCheckerSuggestions Automatically detects and corrects typos and misspelled word if the RichEditControl.SpellChecker property specifies a spell checker component. If the spell checker provides one suggestion, this suggestion automatically substitutes the incorrect word. Otherwise, no changes are made.

Use the richEditControl.Options.AutoCorrect notation to access the built-in autocorrect options, as shown in the code snippet below:

View Example

AutoCorrectOptions correctionOptions = richEditControl1.Options.AutoCorrect;

correctionOptions.CorrectTwoInitialCapitals = true;
correctionOptions.DetectUrls = false;
correctionOptions.ReplaceTextAsYouType = true;
correctionOptions.UseSpellCheckerSuggestions = true;

#Automatic Correction Using Table Entries

The text expander functionality allows you to insert symbols, decipher abbreviations and insert images. Follow the steps below to implement the text expander:

Create a new AutoCorrectReplaceInfoCollection instance and fill it with AutoCorrectReplaceInfo entries:

View Example

private AutoCorrectReplaceInfoCollection LoadAbbrevs(string path)
    AutoCorrectReplaceInfoCollection coll = new AutoCorrectReplaceInfoCollection();
    string aLine = "";

    AutoCorrectReplaceInfo acrInfoIm = new AutoCorrectReplaceInfo(":-)", CreateImageFromResx("smile.png"));

    if (File.Exists(path))
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
        while (!(sr.EndOfStream))
            aLine = sr.ReadLine();
            if (aLine != "START") continue;

            while (!(sr.EndOfStream))
                aLine = sr.ReadLine();
                aLine = aLine.Trim();
                string[] words = aLine.Split('=');
                if (words.Length == 2)
                    AutoCorrectReplaceInfo acrInfo = new AutoCorrectReplaceInfo(words[0], words[1]);
    return coll;

Call the IAutoCorrectService.SetReplaceTable method to register a created replacement list. Register the service after the RichEditControl instance is completely loaded, i.e. in the Form.Loaded event handler.

IAutoCorrectService svc = richEditControl1.GetService<IAutoCorrectService>();
if (svc != null)

When you type a space, punctuation mark or carriage return (a character that typically means you have finished typing a word), AutoCorrect compares the word (or more precisely the group of characters) against its list of entries. If the word matches an entry, AutoCorrect substitutes this word with a replacement object.

In this example, the substitution is performed as shown in the animation below:


#Automatic Correction Using the AutoCorrect Event

Handle the RichEditControl.AutoCorrect event to analyze the input text and provide a specific object for replacement. Use the following API (accessible using the AutoCorrectEventArgs.AutoCorrectInfo property) to perform the desired actions:

API Description
AutoCorrectInfo.Text Gets the input string to check whether it should be replaced.
AutoCorrectInfo.IncrementStartPosition Decreases a text range being analyzed by moving its start by one position.
AutoCorrectInfo.DecrementStartPosition Extends a text range being analyzed by moving its start by one position.
AutoCorrectInfo.IncrementEndPosition Extends a text range being analyzed by moving its end by one position.
AutoCorrectInfo.DecrementEndPosition Decreases a text range being analyzed by moving its end by one position.
AutoCorrectInfo.ReplaceWith Gets or sets the object used to replace the input string in the document.

The following code sample shows how to handle the RichEditControl.AutoCorrect event to replace the typed $ symbol with a picture of a dollar, and substitute the text enclosed in percent symbols with custom content.

private void richEditControl1_AutoCorrect(object sender, DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.AutoCorrectEventArgs e)
    AutoCorrectInfo info = e.AutoCorrectInfo;
    e.AutoCorrectInfo = null;

    if (info.Text.Length <= 0)

    //Find a dollar and the percent sign in the obtained text
    for (; ; )
        if (!info.DecrementStartPosition())

        if (IsSeparator(info.Text[0]))

        if (info.Text[0] == '$')
            //Replace the dollar sign with an image
            info.ReplaceWith = CreateImageFromResx("dollar_pic.png");
            e.AutoCorrectInfo = info;

        if (info.Text[0] == '%')
            //Replace a text between dollar signs with a custom content
            string replaceString = CalculateFunction(info.Text);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceString))
                info.ReplaceWith = replaceString;
                e.AutoCorrectInfo = info;