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RichEditControl.SpellingErrorLimitExceeded Event

Raises when the number of found misspelled words exceeds the error limit.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.RichEdit


public event SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventHandler SpellingErrorLimitExceeded

Event Data

The SpellingErrorLimitExceeded event's data class is SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ClearErrors Gets or sets whether to clear the list of found errors.
Handled Gets or sets whether the SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs.ClearErrors property value should be used instead of the SpellCheckerOptions.ClearErrorsAfterLimitExceeded option.


Use the SpellCheckerOptions.UpperErrorLimit property to set the number of errors when the SpellingErrorLimitExceeded raises and the spell check stops.

You can handle the SpellingErrorLimitExceeded event to achieve the following:

Objective Action
To clear the list of found errors and remove the underline highlighting. Set the e.ClearErrors (SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs.ClearErrors) property to true and e.Handled (SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs.Handled) property to true.
To stop the spell check and highlight the errors. The number of errors is determined by the SpellCheckerOptions.UpperErrorLimit property. Set the e.ClearErrors (SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs.ClearErrors) property to false and e.Handled (SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs.Handled) property to true.
See Also