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DXRichEditDataFormatOptions Properties

Provides the options to manage the clipboard operations with different document formats.
Name Description
AllowHtml Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the copied document range is available for pasting in HTML format.
AllowImage Gets or sets whether to paste images. This is a dependency property.
AllowMetafile Gets or sets whether to paste metafiles. This is a dependency property.
AllowPlainText Obsolete. Gets or sets whether to copy plain text data.
AllowRtf Obsolete. Gets or sets whether to copy RTF content.
CanFreeze Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be made unmodifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
Html Gets or sets whether to copy or paste HTML content. This is a dependency property.
HtmlImagePath Gets or sets a path to the image files linked as pictures in the copied document content.
HtmlImageSourceType Specifies how images are included in the copied HTML content.
IsFrozen Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
PlainText Gets or sets whether to copy or paste plain text. This is a dependency property.
Rtf Gets or sets whether to copy or RTF content. This is a dependency property.
See Also