Time Ruler
You are viewing documentation for the legacy WPF Scheduler control. If you’re starting a new project, we strongly recommend that you use a new control declared in the DevExpress.
Time Ruler elements are used to display the time intervals that are specified by the DayView.VisibleTime property in the Day View, Work-Week View and Full Week View views. A time ruler include the following elements:
- a TimeRuler.Caption that is used to indicate a time zone or a geographical region;
- the Time Marker which indicates the current time (use the TimeRuler.TimeMarkerVisibility property to specify its visibility for a particular time ruler, or the DayView.TimeMarkerVisibility property to specify it for all time rulers with the TimeRuler.TimeMarkerVisibility property set to null);
- minutes, if the TimeRuler.ShowMinutes property is set to true.
- ‘More’ buttons are shown to indicate that the DayView.VisibleTime extends beyond the displayed area. You can click these buttons to scroll the view.
The image below illustrates a Scheduler control’s Day View with time rulers.