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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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How to: Use a Carousel with an ItemsControl

DXCarousel includes a CarouselItemsControl component that is a version of the standard ItemsControl. This component automatically enables interaction between an ItemsControl and a CarouselPanel. You specify your data, item visualization template and provide a CarouselPanel as the layout template, without specifying property bindings usually required to enable item-carousel communication.

<Page x:Class="CarouselTutorial.TutorialPage2"
    <dxca:CarouselItemsControl x:Name="carouselItemsControl" >
                <dxca:CarouselPanel AttractorPointIndex="2"/>
                <Button Content="{Binding}"/>
            <x:Array Type="sys:Int32">