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Bind Pivot Grid Fields to Data Columns

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic describes how to use the Binding API to bind a Pivot Grid field to a measure or dimension in OLAP mode.


You cannot bind the Pivot Grid to data at design time in .NET 5+ projects.

Follow the steps below to bind a Pivot Grid’s field to a measure or dimension in code:

  1. Create a DataSourceColumnBinding instance.
  2. Specify the DataSourceColumnBinding.ColumnName property. ColumnName must specify the full name of the bound measure or dimension.

    For dimensions, the full name is composed of a dimension name, followed by a hierarchy name, followed by the name of a level(s). All names should be wrapped within square brackets and separated from one another with the dot symbol. Example: “[Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country]”.

    For measures, the full name is composed of the “[Measures].” string followed by the measure name. Example: “[Measures].[Sales Amount]”.

  3. Assign the DataSourceColumnBinding object to the PivotGridField.DataBinding property.

View Example: Pivot Grid for WPF - Bind a PivotGrid to an OLAP Cube

The following code snippet illustrates how to create the fieldMeasuresInternetSalesAmount field and bind it to the Internet Sales Amount measure:

using System.Windows;
using DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid;

namespace HowToBindOLAP {
    public partial class MainWindow : Window {
        public MainWindow() {
         private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
           // ...
           PivotGridField fieldMeasuresInternetSalesAmount = 
                new PivotGridField("[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]", FieldArea.DataArea);
            fieldMeasuresInternetSalesAmount.Caption = "Internet Sales Amount";